Pay Yourself First

3 min read

Money comes in. Money goes out. Bills, debt repayment, groceries, etc. After all that, how’s your saving strategy going? Many of us dream of having lots of money someday. Some people get lucky and just hit jackpot, but for most to have a lot of money will require a strong plan. The money will have to be saved up through years of work, self-discipline, and through good saving and investing strategies. But that’s where many of us get stuck. Because to have a lot of money later, it means to start now. You’d need to start saving now. And that…...

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Merle van den Akker Merle van den Akker is a PhD student in Behavioural Science, at the Warwick Business School. She studies the effect different payment methods, especially contactless and mobile methods, have on how e manage our personal finances. In her "free" time she writes articles on personal finance, behavioural science, behavioural finance and life as a PhD student, these are all published on Money on the Mind. With DDI, she writes on personal and behavioural finance, to ensure that knowledge from academia trickles into the mainsteam, and can help as many people as possible!

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